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Ride for Rations 2021
In aid of Sunlove Abode for Intellectually Infirmed Ltd

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. " -Winston Churchill

What is Ride for Rations?

Many assume that there is no poverty in Singapore; that having sufficient food and thus nourishment is not a challenge in Singapore. However, there are many facing the challenge of having sufficient food, most of whom are in the bottom of our society.

Yes COVID-19 has hit many of us. Yet it is a reality that some have been hit harder, especially those who are less well-off or who are disadvantaged in society.

Ride for Rations(RfR) is a fund-raising initiative that addresses this through the provision of much needed food rations monthly.

It involves long-distance endurance non-competitive cycling. 2021 will be 11th edition of RfR and to be held during this pandemic period when more assistance is required. Prior to 2020, it involves 2 to 3 days of cycling from Malaysia to Singapore. Due to COVID-19, it will now be a "Strava" based ride. Participants will attempt to cycle 200km or 440km or 880km over the month of September 2021; indoor or outdoor while in compliance with social distancing and other COVID-19 related regulations.

We have also planned an actual ride on either 5th or 12th September, guided by the prevaliling safe management measures and guidelines.

The funds raised through RfR are used to provide monthly dry food rations and breakfast rations to the needy identified by Sunlove. The beneficiaries are mostly living in 1 room rental flats and thus are in the bottom 5% of our society in terms of social-economic status. The profile of those we support is as follows:
•elderly with no children or whose children are not supporting them
•single parents
•suffer from medical and intellectual infirmities
•have no reliable sources of income
•require financial help to cover rental, conservancy, electricity and basic food expenses

Funds raised are transmitted to Sunlove Abode for Intellectually Infirmed Ltd, a registered charity. Sunlove is the custodian of the funds and it identifies the beneficiaries.

RfR is a call for you to make a positive difference in the lives of the vulnerable, the disadvantaged within Singapore. Lets help the vulnerable lead a dignified life by helping them with their food security.

We have also # it to #RideforRations2021 in addition to #RideforRations #RfR

What does Ride for Rations aim to achieve?

RfR 2021 aims to provide monthly food rations to at least 440 households and at least 200 breakfast rations for school-going children from April 2022 to March 2023. More families in these or other estates will be able to receive rations if sufficient funds are raised.

Each set of rations cost $70 while the breakfast rations cost $25. It consist of essentials identified through needs assessment such as eggs, fruits, milk powder in addition to staples like rice and oil; for the breakfast being Milo packets, cornflakes and UHT milk.

Your participation will directly enable the beneficiaries to get the much needed meals and the households will receive much needed nourishment and in doing so, give dignity and quality to their lives. Your support will go a long way to put an end to hunger within the shores of Singapore.

On behalf of Sunlove Abode for Intellectually Infirmed Ltd, Bike-Aid (Singapore) and the organising committee of Ride for Rations, who are all volunteers, thank you for your support to Ride for Rations.

Who are the beneficiary of Ride for Rations?

These are households who mostly reside in 1-room rental flats in Bukit Merah, Chai Chee, Depot, Hougang, Serangoon, Marsiling, Whampoa and Woodlands. They are families or individuals who long to have 3 square meals a day; who scrimp through the little if any means they have to meet their daily basic needs; who sorely are not getting sufficient nutrition due to the lack of proper food. Many of the beneficiaries are aged or have various health and medical issues and are in need of help.

Help a fellow human see the better side of you: Share your blessings with the less fortunate.

How can you help make a positive difference?

Do good by participating in Ride for Rations 2021 as a

- a cyclist cum fundraiser where by cycling 200km/440km/880km, you can come close to understand and appreciate the suffering of the vulnerable;
-support crew cum fundraiser: register via Ride for Rations 2021;
-make a donation.

Corporate donors are also welcome and they can reach out to us via email

100% of donations will go to the provision of the food/breakfast rations .

How do I register for Ride for Rations 2021?

Registration can be done via Bike-Aid (Singapore) website.

For more details on the event, please refer to:

If you encounter any issues during registration or have any queries, please feel free to contact Jeffrey ( or Shireen (

Tell me more of Bike-Aid (Singapore)

Bike-Aid (Singapore) is a not-for-profit society registered in Singapore since 1992. It is managed and run entirely by volunteers who are either keen cyclists or individuals from different walks of life sharing a passion for helping those in society in need of help. Its diverse members are united in purpose to help alleviate the sufferings of the less privileged, through cycling and related activities.

Bike-Aid (Singapore) has assisted many charitable causes. Since 2011, Ride for Rations has been our central focus.

Can I know more about Sunlove?

Sunlove is a charity with IPC status. Its main focus is in looking after intellectually infirmed through services it offers at its home in Buangkok. In addition, it has multiple Senior Activity Centres. These provide a multi-tude of services to the needy in the various estates such as activities and health check up amongst others. It is guided by its belief in Love All, Serve All.
Ride for Rations 2021
+ 1475 givers have donated to this campaign

About Ride for Rations -Sunlove Abode for Intellectually-Infirmed Ltd

"“What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone? How else can we... LEARN MORE