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Help My Extreme Premature Baby Yong Chen [Big Heart for Little Ones]

We believe every child deserves a chance to live beyond the confines of the hospital walls.

Help Baby Ng Yong Chen Medical Bills and other children live normal lives

Help My Extreme Premature Baby Yong Chen

Please help our 23-week premature baby boy - Ng Yong Chen. Due to the mother's cervix being dilated to four centimeters, Baby Yong Chen, with his strong vitality, was delivered naturally into this world, weighing only 670 grams.

Many of Baby Yong Chen's organs, including his lungs and brain, are still underdeveloped. Currently, he is unable to breathe on his own and relies on machine for respiration. Fortunately, Baby Yong Chen's physical appearance has fully developed.
Since birth, Baby Yong Chen has been receiving treatment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and will need to stay there for at least 120 to 200 days. His daily struggles have filled us with both pain and the strength of courage and hope. The hospital expenses have placed a heavy burden on us, with the total medical expenses possibly exceeding SGD350,000, which is an astronomical figure for us.

Every day, we worry about the baby's condition and the high medical costs. A friend told us about this fundraising platform and we implore you to help our poor Baby Yong Chen. May luck once again shine upon him. Your every donation will give Baby Yong Chen the strength to win the battle of life and illuminate the light of hope for him. We understand the financial pressure and assure you that every penny will be used for treatment. Thank you for your generous help.
I am currently working in Singapore and holding a PR status, and Baby Yong Chen's father, Ng Wan Man, is currently working in Malaysia. We got married on May 20, 2022. We successfully conceived our first child this May, and Baby Yong Chen is our first child.

Originally, we planned to return to Malaysia for delivery after 28 weeks but unexpectedly (on October 7), I experienced bleeding and was promptly taken to the KK Hospital emergency room by a kind-hearted gentleman.

The cervix had already dilated to 4 centimeters, and thereafter, I gave birth naturally to the adorable Baby Yong Chen. Thank you to the doctors and nurses for bringing him to our side. Thank you for the baby's strong vitality.

My husband and I earnestly request everyone's help for the medical expenses of Baby Yong Chen, who was admitted to the KKH NICU on October 7. Even though I'm holding a PR status, but I have very limited subsidies and limited usage of my medisave, and the estimated bill for Baby Yong Chen was around SGD550,000, but after subsidies and medisave deduction, it came down to around SGD350,000.

The funds raised will be managed by and directly used to pay for Baby Ng Yong Chen's medical expenses at the hospital. Thank you.
请帮帮我们的23周多早产男宝宝 Ng Yong Chen (伍永晨).

由于妈妈的子宫口开了四指, 宝宝永晨带着頑强的生命力顺产来到这个世界, 体重只有670克. 宝宝永晨身体有许多器官仍未发育完整, 当中包括肺部及脑部. 目前宝宝他仍无法自助呼吸, 必须依赖机器呼吸, 所幸宝宝永晨的身体外观已经发育完整.

自从出生, 宝宝永晨一直在新生儿加护病房(NICU)接受治疗, 他还需要在那里至少待上120到200天. 他每一天的奋斗都让我们深感心痛, 但也是给我们带来了勇气和希望的力量. 医院的费用让我们背上了沉重的负担, 总医疗费用可能会达到新币33万多. 这对于我们来说简直是天文数字. 每天要为宝宝的情况担忧也要为了高昂的医疗费发愁. 朋友告诉了我们这个筹款的平台, 我们恳求您帮帮可怜的宝宝永晨. 希望幸运再一次降临在他的身上. 您的每一分捐款都将成宝宝永晨赢得生命之战的力量, 为他点亮希望之光. 我们深知经济的压力, 所以每一分钱都会用在治疗上. 谢谢您慷慨的帮助.

宝宝永晨的妈妈李美倩(新加坡PR)目前在新加坡工作和爸爸伍运汶(目前在马来西亚工作)在去年2022年5月20日结婚. 今年5月份我们成功怀上了宝宝, 宝宝永晨是我们夫妻第一个孩子. 妈妈李美倩原本打算28周回到马来西亚待产, 岂料(10月7日)晚上下体突然流血, 有个贵人大哥送妈妈进了KKH急诊室, 子宫口已经开了4cm, 之后就顺产生下了可爱的宝宝永晨. 谢谢医生和护士们把他带到我们的身边. 谢谢宝宝顽强的生命力.

我们恳求大家帮助我们10月7日极早产住进KKH NICU的宝宝永晨, 请帮助我们支付宝宝伍永晨的医疗费用. 所用筹集的资金将由GIVE.asia管理, 并直接支付给医院支付宝宝伍永晨的医疗费用. 谢谢您!
This campaign has received government assistance.
Partial subsidies and limited medisave deduction.
Help My Extreme Premature Baby Yong Chen [Big Heart for Little Ones]
Anonymous donor
S$15 • 8 hours ago
Anonymous donor
S$50 • 4 days ago
Sally sim
S$10 • 1 week ago
S$20 • 2 weeks ago
Anonymous donor
S$50 • 3 weeks ago
+ 2153 givers have donated to this campaign

S$127,288 Raised

Of S$350,000 Goal

from 2,158 Givers

Donations will go to Baby Ng Yong Chen Medical Bills via GIVE Healthcare

Recent Donors

Anonymous donor
S$15 • 8 hours ago
Anonymous donor
S$50 • 4 days ago
Sally sim
S$10 • 1 week ago
S$20 • 2 weeks ago
Anonymous donor
S$50 • 3 weeks ago
+ 2153 givers have donated to this campaign
Verified by GIVE Healthcare
Our verification process involves contacting and meeting the fundraiser as well as the beneficiary, reviewing financial, medical, and other applicable documents that offer evidence of the need. LEARN MORE
What Is Extreme Prematurity?
The most extreme issues occur in babies born at less than 28 weeks. These are cases of extreme prematurity. They often weigh less than two pounds at birth. Critical organs – such as the heart, lungs, the digestive organs, and even the brain – may not be developed enough to keep the baby alive without intensive medical care.
1.42% of all births
The baby will be moved to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where they will undergo a number of diagnostic and monitoring tests. In addition, medication may be used to promote to stimulate normal functioning of the lungs, heart and circulation.
This Campaign uses Boosting
The fundraiser has opted to allocate up to 10% of funds raised for Facebook marketing to create more awareness, helping the campaign reach more people and hit the campaign goal.